Saltash Heritage Local History Centre

Situated on the first floor.

The LHC has two qualified staff there to assist you at all times. Information can also be made available to the ground floor.

The Local History Centre has a large - fully searchable - collection containing

Over 20,000 photographs of the Saltash Area

14,000 document about Saltash, Saltash businesses and Saltash People

Maps going back to 1840



Access to all census records

Church records

Personal recollection (written and audio)

Family history records

Much much more

Data on past events and organisations including - schools, health, businesses, population etc.

The Local History Centre is used by people and groups including schools, researching or wanting information on:

Family History

House and street history

Schools and education

Roads, ferry's, ships, buildings, works, both past and present

Past events (fairs, regattas, royal visits, redevelopment, transport, civic occasions)  

People researching for books and magazine articles

and occasionally film makers and television